Government of
Ministry of Communications
& IT
Department of
Mail Business (Development
& Operations) Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 06.03.2013
Sub: - Introduction of
Barcode for Parcels: Specifications regarding.
The matter
regarding restricting of the existing network for parcel operation is currently
under examination at this Directorate. It has been decided to provide track and
trace feature for the three proposed parcel products, i.e., “Express Parcel”,
“Business Express Parcel” and “Business Parcel” as well as for Registered
Parcel. It has further been decided to introduce barcode on all categories of
parcel articles and bags including ordinary parcels. However, track and trace
feature would not be available for ordinary parcels.
2. A new application
software for processing of parcels at Parcel Processing Centres (nomenclature
yet to be decided for these mail offices) is being developed by CEPT Mysore.
Provisions are also being made for computerized booking and printed barcode
stickers shall also be used for posting/ acceptance of parcel in bulk at Centres
to be created for this purpose.
3. The structure of
the bar code for parcel articles will be the same as prescribed for Speed Post
articles, i.e., Code 39 symbology with 13-character alpha numeric combination as
per the UPU standards. The first two alpha characters would be in the range of
“CA to CZ” for parcels. For example, a parcel booked in Maharashtra Circle will
have a barcode as “CMxxxxxxxxxIN”, where “CM” reflects the bar code series
allotted to Maharashtra Circle for parcels, the next 8 digits being in serial
order and the 9th digit being the check digit and “IN” denoting
“India”. The bar code series allocated to the Circles for the purpose of prcels
is given in the Annexure 1. Same series of barcodes would be used for all
categories of parcels. Further, the same series of bar code, as allotted to the
Circles, will be used for both domestic and international parcels. Accordingly,
this memo supersedes Directorate memo No.28-2/2003-CF dated 9.11.2004 and
13.12.2004 containing barcode series for international parcels. Specifications
for barcodes to be used on parcel articles are given in Annexure
4. All parcel bags
would carry a bag label containing a barcode. The barcode series allocated to
the Circles for parcel bags is given at Annexure 3. There would be two separate
bags label for parcels bags- One for “Express Parcel” bag and the other for rest
of the parcel bags. The design and specification for Express Parcel bags and
other categories of parcel bags are given Annexure 4 and Annexure 5
5. The new network for
parcel operations, use of the new software and track and trace features are
likely to be operationalzed in April 2013. Therefore, Circles may complete
action on assessment of the quantity of barcode stickers (articles level) and
bag labels required for booking and processing of parcels and place the orders
for procurement of these items by 31st March
Director (Mail Management)
All Heads of
All Postmaster(s)